Mealtime Heroes Campaign
Amazon Fresh

Americans frequent an average of 4.5 grocery stores regularly. The endeavor to reduce the number of trips required to fulfill customer’s needs is a courageous and daring aspiration, and it is precisely this value that Amazon tasked my team with conveying in this project.

Non-niche grocery stores have very broad audiences making it a challenge to fully represent in campaigns. With this in mind I chose to represent a functional segment of our customer set instead of a gender or age group. We call them the CFOs (Chief Food Officer) of the house. Every house has at least one, that roommate that is just a little [or a lot] into food, the one in the family that knows everyone’s preferences, the dad that takes over as chef on weeknights…
Hail to the Mealtime Heroes!

“It’s more than everything I need, it’s everything I want!”

– Fresh Customer

The CFO became the archetype that drove all creative efforts from this campaign on. The thinking allowed us to vary the campaign subjects and grocery needs while keeping the message that Amazon Fresh is, like the parent brand, consumer obsessed and here to simplify your life.